I love getting feedback on my speaking events, which normally happens right after the event. Two days ago I received an email which I’d like to share:

“This is a belated thank you for your presentation September 11, 2018.  I found your presentation very touching.  It also made me more mindful, your personal experience created a new “memory” of the day for me, different than than the one we civilians had of the repeated news reels.  Your openness of such tragic and heroic events was very touching. 
Your time and openness is truly appreciated, and I hope you are able to get into the high schools as you suggested.  These kids were babies and have NO memory of these recent tragic events.
Thank you for sharing.
Mary, Naperville, Illinois"

Thanks you Mary, for making my day and for reminding me that my presentations make a difference. We love visiting high schools, colleges, clubs, and organizations.